photographer_jb: Mystery Swamp Chicken
photographer_jb: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus)
photographer_jb: Pine Grosbeak
photographer_jb: Pine Grosbeak male
photographer_jb: Small tortoiseshell on yellow flower
photographer_jb: Small copper
photographer_jb: Small blue butterfly
photographer_jb: European/Brown Hare
photographer_jb: Young gaping Gull
photographer_jb: Black Redstart fledgling
photographer_jb: Black Redstart fledgling 2
photographer_jb: Autums Sparrow
photographer_jb: Autums Sparrow 2
photographer_jb: Hoarding Jay
photographer_jb: The rare Ivory Gull
photographer_jb: The rare Ivory Gull
photographer_jb: Sabine´s Gull
photographer_jb: Sabine´s gull
photographer_jb: Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) B&W
photographer_jb: Squirrel B&W
photographer_jb: Alone in the crowd
photographer_jb: Autumn Waders