peggyfitzwilliam: Mermaid and diver wedding cake. Day 232/365. 20-08-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Cinema extravaganza! Day 233/365. 21-08-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Plant babes. Day 234/365. 22-08-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Bonfire fun times! Day 238/365. 26-08-21
peggyfitzwilliam: First ever festie!!! Day 239/365. 27-08-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Bubble bath??? Day 247/365. 04-09-21
peggyfitzwilliam: See you soon. Day 253/365. 10-09-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Now I'm London bound. Day 254/365. 11-09-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Marauders forever. Day 255/365. 12-09-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Friends at the waterfall. Day 268/365. 25-09-21
peggyfitzwilliam: First con day since Jan 2020!!! Day 276/365. 03-10-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Rick-diculous. Day 303/365. 30-10-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Habby hanloweeeeen!!! Day 304/365. 31-10-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Holiday viiibes. Day 310/365. 06-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: City gals. Day 311/365. 07-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Top o town! Day 312/365. 08-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Back in wales! Day 316/365. 12-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: We're going on an adventure! Day 317/365. 13-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Last day in the brecs. Day 318/365. 14-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Christmas market number one! Day 329/365. 25-11-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Night at the movies! Day 344/365. 10-12-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Festive friends! Day 345/365. 11-12-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Victory at board games night!. Day 352/365. 18-12-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Not my pic (shaaame). Day 353/365. 19-12-21
peggyfitzwilliam: Phil-anthropic. Day 14/365. 14-01-22
peggyfitzwilliam: BEST MUSICAL EVEEEERRR!!! Day 15/365. 15-01-22
peggyfitzwilliam: So long, farewell, etc. Day 16/365. 16-01-22.
peggyfitzwilliam: Ahhhh whoops I forgot to take a pic. Day 46/365. 15-02-22
peggyfitzwilliam: My wonderful friends and the fishes. Day 50/365. 19-02-22
peggyfitzwilliam: Cat cuddles! Day 65/365. 06-03-22