womenintheroomimages: stargazer lily
womenintheroomimages: lily's pet fly
womenintheroomimages: "what's in a name? that which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet."
womenintheroomimages: from the "a walk in the woods" series
womenintheroomimages: some kind of purple blossoms in great light!
womenintheroomimages: around the bend with those wild, wild irises!
womenintheroomimages: into the archives: unknown flora, monona, wi
womenintheroomimages: into the archives: day lily, monona, wi
womenintheroomimages: into the archives: climbing hydrangea petiolaris, monona wi (hat tip to zen beyond the lens for the name.)
womenintheroomimages: 2016 dive into the archives: optical illusion... are they buds or blooms?