womenintheroomimages: Maine Coon... Main Squeeze
womenintheroomimages: siesta in the sun
womenintheroomimages: mamaaaaa! (elk baby 2)
womenintheroomimages: going in for the catch
womenintheroomimages: "i could just lie here all day!" elk baby 1
womenintheroomimages: hawk - side profile
womenintheroomimages: 6 point landing
womenintheroomimages: elk baby 2 redux
womenintheroomimages: another elk baby - because i can't resist them!
womenintheroomimages: be verrrrryyy still and the geese won't see you!
womenintheroomimages: sharpening... ready for battle
womenintheroomimages: stay outta mah way
womenintheroomimages: uhh... i can still see you behind that tree.
womenintheroomimages: uhhh... moo?
womenintheroomimages: baby duck b&w
womenintheroomimages: who let the cat out of the bag?
womenintheroomimages: heads or tails?
womenintheroomimages: Mei the Maine Coon
womenintheroomimages: mom says to get back in line, bro... before you get us all lost in this fog!
womenintheroomimages: baaaaah to you too, hooman!
womenintheroomimages: zeke with one blue eye (drive-by seen on our sunday adventure)