Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Hoofball didn't work again
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: And the fans go mild!
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Cally Stewart goal
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Jack Edwards gets himself booked
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Hoofball nearly leads to Stratford goal
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Stratford go semi close
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: That fan will never make a centre half
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Joe Clarke commits a foul
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: The Hawk flies again!
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Tricking the fans
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Viva Holleran ft distracted Max
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Solid defending by Streete
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Excellent fans at Leam
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: The hawk flies to his right
Glenn and Kaylen Photography: Super Callum Hawkins in goal