Inachvs Circed: throwing all your clothes onstage
Inachvs Circed: helpful signifiers and their artifacts
Inachvs Circed: in muddy metal orbitals
Inachvs Circed: walk-up for professional ear rubber
Inachvs Circed: emerald boxcar dance
Inachvs Circed: Stop Super Mark
Inachvs Circed: Savin taxonomy from the outdoors, er
Inachvs Circed: soon, time’s other, color
Inachvs Circed: the horizon packed up her shadowplay
Inachvs Circed: beside busy perspectives, call the shadow
Inachvs Circed: everything and nothing, still
Inachvs Circed: post soylent empty tumbler
Inachvs Circed: buildings of fire and desire
Inachvs Circed: antsy blithe cohort
Inachvs Circed: wiffle purr of frond waves
Inachvs Circed: paused ecumenopolis plans
Inachvs Circed: carpet pattern actuarial warps
Inachvs Circed: decemvirate of brutalist food