trinity091319: Three of us at base of School House Falls
trinity091319: Crooked Creek Falls
trinity091319: Rainbow at base of falls
trinity091319: Down stream view of the falls
trinity091319: Base of the falls
trinity091319: K Road Falls
trinity091319: Garlic Mustard
trinity091319: Both sets of falls
trinity091319: Upper set of falls
trinity091319: Cascading waterfall
trinity091319: Looking down on the falls
trinity091319: Side view of the falls
trinity091319: Taking a picture of Tom
trinity091319: Checking his picture
trinity091319: Hanging Rock Falls
trinity091319: Hanging Rock different perspective
trinity091319: Base of the falls along Route 7
trinity091319: Along Route 7
trinity091319: Wide angle view of both falls
trinity091319: Both sets of falls
trinity091319: Another view
trinity091319: Top section of the falls
trinity091319: route 7 other angle
trinity091319: Route 7 upper falls
trinity091319: Down creek view of the falls
trinity091319: Mark climbing and for scale of the falls
trinity091319: Frontal view of the falls
trinity091319: Pumphouse Falls
trinity091319: Cascading water
trinity091319: Both sets of falls