TF23 Aviation:
VAW-113 Black Eagles Boss Bird at Palmdale
TF23 Aviation:
VAW-113 E-2D BuNo 169863 with the option
TF23 Aviation:
EAGLE31 with the left base into Palmdale
TF23 Aviation:
Rear aspect of E-2D 169863
TF23 Aviation:
VAW-113 CAG in the overhead
TF23 Aviation:
VAW-113 CAG with one final approach
TF23 Aviation:
U-2 with moisture on the wings
TF23 Aviation:
L-39 N439RS as ROCKET88
TF23 Aviation:
U-2 on the TACAN approach
TF23 Aviation:
U-2 gliding into Palmdale
TF23 Aviation:
U-2S 80-1071
TF23 Aviation:
U-2S 80-1071 in a clean configuration
TF23 Aviation:
U-2 lining up for the runway
TF23 Aviation:
U-2 80-1071 with clouds
TF23 Aviation:
U-2 56-6721 in the rain
TF23 Aviation:
Sleet buildup on the A-12 "Pie Wedges"
TF23 Aviation:
Sleet building up on the SR-71's chines
TF23 Aviation:
SR-71 61-7973 in the rain
TF23 Aviation:
D-21 #525 with precipitation
TF23 Aviation:
T-38 65-10437 as SKULL21
TF23 Aviation:
Area-ruled beauty (64-13197)