imsbkfkc58: Audrey Hepburn
imsbkfkc58: Bette Davis
imsbkfkc58: Bob Dylan
imsbkfkc58: Bob Marley
imsbkfkc58: Buddy Holly
imsbkfkc58: Charlie Chaplin
imsbkfkc58: Charlie Chaplin
imsbkfkc58: Clark Gable - illustration
imsbkfkc58: Elizabeth Taylor
imsbkfkc58: Elvis Presley
imsbkfkc58: Esther Williams
imsbkfkc58: Graduate - Dustin Hoffman
imsbkfkc58: Greta Garbo
imsbkfkc58: Hot air balloon
imsbkfkc58: Jackie Kennedy
imsbkfkc58: James Dean
imsbkfkc58: JFKennedy - at 8 in costume with sister
imsbkfkc58: JFKennedy - motorcade- Ireland
imsbkfkc58: JFKennedy - Oval Office with kids
imsbkfkc58: JFKennedy - with PT109 crew in WWII
imsbkfkc58: Jimi Hendrix
imsbkfkc58: Kathryn Hepburn
imsbkfkc58: Lady Di
imsbkfkc58: Malcolm X
imsbkfkc58: Marilyn in red satin
imsbkfkc58: Marilyn Monroe - with Tom Ewell
imsbkfkc58: Marilyn on the red carpet
imsbkfkc58: Marlon Brando and Vivian Leigh
imsbkfkc58: Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine