clarkies images: 1John Cade & Dorothy Clark Aug 1972
clarkies images: 2Walter Clark in his back garden 3 (43) Preston Avenue Faversham Kent June 1973
clarkies images: 3Dorothy & Sydney Clark 1973
clarkies images: 4Walter & Sydney Clark outside Margaret's house Aug 1974
clarkies images: 5Sydney Clark second from left May 1974
clarkies images: 6Eddie Evans Gwendoline & Margaret Clark John & Dorothy Cade 1974
clarkies images: 7Dorothy Clark at Graduation from Cambridge 1974
clarkies images: 8Sydney Gwendoline & Dorothy Clark at Cambridge Graduation 1974
clarkies images: 9Gwendoline Clark outside South Parade Baptist Church Leeds John & Dorothy's wedding 3 Aug 1974
clarkies images: 10Sydney Clark about 1975
clarkies images: 11Sydney Clark with his sister Lily (Shilling sat right) Adisham 1975
clarkies images: 12Gwendoline Clark standing left Auntie Lily (shilling) seated right Adisham 1975
clarkies images: 13Walter & Sydney Clark at Adasham 1975
clarkies images: 14Sydney Clark 1975
clarkies images: 15Walter Clark about 1975
clarkies images: 16Walter & Sydney Clark 1975
clarkies images: 17Walter & Sydney Clark 1975
clarkies images: 18John & Dorothy Bottle with Christopher at Adisham with Sydney about 1975
clarkies images: 19Eddie & Con Evans Gwen John & Jocelyn outside Hungerdown visit about 1976
clarkies images: 20Walter Charles Clark with son Sydney Frederick Clark in the garden at Westlands The Street Adisham about 1976
clarkies images: 21Gwendoline Sydney & Walter Clark with Lily Shilling & Eddie Evands at their bungalow over Folkestone (Hungar D own) about 1979
clarkies images: 22Sydney Clark John & Dorothy Cade outside the back of their house in London 1976
clarkies images: 23Sydney Clark John & Dorothy Cade outside their house in London 1976
clarkies images: 24Walter Clark receiving his telegram from the Queen on his hundredth birthday 10 Sep 1977 Lili Shilling Gwen & Sydney Clark
clarkies images: 25Lily Shilling & Walter Clark on his Hundredth birthday 10 Sep 1977
clarkies images: 26Lily Shilling Walter Clark's daughter and son Sydney Clark on Walter's one hundredths birthday 10 Sep 1977
clarkies images: 27Walter Clark on his hundredth birthday Lily Shilling Gwen & Sydney Clark Wendy Downing (Lilys eldest baughter) 10 Sep 1977
clarkies images: 28Walter Clark with Jonathan & Rachel Clark and Wendy Downing children across the back 10 Sep 1977
clarkies images: 29Sydney & Gwnoline Clark with Lily Shilling and Gladys (Walter's Daughter) & Jack Anson at Walter's 100 birthday
clarkies images: 30Walter ClarkHundredth birthday Jack & Gladys Anson eldest sister of Lily Shilling Sydney Gwen & John younest brother of Syd