Dave's Dogma: sunrise drama
Dave's Dogma: tracks at sunset
Dave's Dogma: UW hospital after sunset
Dave's Dogma: Table Bluff, Cross Plains
Dave's Dogma: storm damage
Dave's Dogma: Dew-soaked
Dave's Dogma: heavy fog
Dave's Dogma: goldenrods
Dave's Dogma: autumn leaves
Dave's Dogma: harley
Dave's Dogma: Spikes
Dave's Dogma: milkweed
Dave's Dogma: spider silk connecting the dots
Dave's Dogma: red cedar
Dave's Dogma: Southwest view
Dave's Dogma: snowy log
Dave's Dogma: Little snow-capped cedar
Dave's Dogma: A lab in her element
Dave's Dogma: December walk in the woods
Dave's Dogma: Cute smile
Dave's Dogma: snow walk
Dave's Dogma: SPII, Fomapan 400, Pyrocat-HD
Dave's Dogma: 1955 Kiev 2A, Foma 400, Pyrocat-HD
Dave's Dogma: L: Helios 103, Foma 400 Pyrocat-HD; R: Super-Tak55/1.8, 5222, D96
Dave's Dogma: New growth, old growth
Dave's Dogma: Devil's Lake Clifftop
Dave's Dogma: Life Is Hard