gilderoy_blockhart: Madam Pudifoot's Tea Shop
gilderoy_blockhart: Setting Up Shop
gilderoy_blockhart: Their Arrival
gilderoy_blockhart: Memories of Umbridge
gilderoy_blockhart: Salon de The
gilderoy_blockhart: Delicious and Delectable !
gilderoy_blockhart: Madam Puddifoot, in the real
gilderoy_blockhart: Standing Room Only
gilderoy_blockhart: Unless You Don't Mind the Cold...
gilderoy_blockhart: Roger Davies and the Pretty Blonde Girl
gilderoy_blockhart: A 30 Minute Wait...
gilderoy_blockhart: Things Get a Little Awkward...
gilderoy_blockhart: I came in here with Cedric last year,' said Cho
gilderoy_blockhart: The day is finally over !
gilderoy_blockhart: Interior View of the Teashop Entrance
gilderoy_blockhart: Interior View of the Back of the Teashop