World Gone Strange:
FenceTree London
World Gone Strange:
London - Battersea Powerstation - 1
World Gone Strange:
London - Battersea Powerstation - 2
World Gone Strange:
London - Battersea Powerstation - 3
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Codex Zouche-Nutall - Mixtec 14th century
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - DJED-WAS-ANKH-God HEH faience amulett - Egypt 700-300 b.c.
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Game - Egypt 3000bc
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Inanna - Ishtar - 19th Century b.c. - Old Babylonian (Iraq)
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Inannas descent to the Underworld - Keilschrift/cuneiform - Sumer
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Items from the great Pyramid - Egypt 2500bc
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Ivory Furniture-legs - First Dynasty 3000bc
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Keilschrifttafel-cuneiform panel - Sumer
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Lintel from Yaxchilan Structure - Maya AD770 -1
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Lintel from Yaxchilan Structure - Maya AD770 -2
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Lintel from Yaxchilan Structure - Maya AD770 -3
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Map of the world-Weltkarte - Sumer 600bc
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Mayaglyphen
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Muschel Anhänger-Shell pendant - Huaxtec AD 900-1450
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Ramses II -1
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Ramses II -2
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Royal Game of Ur - 2500 bc
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - Tablet of Flood-Tafel der Flut- Sumer
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum - VotivJadeAxt - Olmekisch1200bc
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -01
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -02
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -03
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -04
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -05
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -06
World Gone Strange:
London BritishMuseum -07