RvL83: Macrolepiota procera
RvL83: The pond at Landgoed De Wamberg
RvL83: Oenothera glazioviana
RvL83: Trametes versicolor
RvL83: Amanita muscaria
RvL83: All leaves
RvL83: Coprinus comatus
RvL83: Mycena galericulata
RvL83: Chlorophyllum olivieri
RvL83: Amanita muscaria
RvL83: Mushroom (craterellus?)
RvL83: A single leaf
RvL83: Chlorophyllum rhacodes
RvL83: Scleroderma areolatum
RvL83: Xylaria hypoxylon
RvL83: Mushrooms by night
RvL83: Mushrooms
RvL83: Hypholoma fasciculare
RvL83: Three cormorant overlooking the water
RvL83: Pathway through autumnDe Heinis
RvL83: Mycena
RvL83: Under mother's wings
RvL83: Autumn
RvL83: Winter leaves