Alex Dombeck: kicking up snow at dupy
Alex Dombeck: amtrak wedge
Alex Dombeck: Charger
Alex Dombeck: P42 on the Hiawatha
Alex Dombeck: LTEX 802 in Nahant
Alex Dombeck: Midwest charger
Alex Dombeck: Going away shot of 90221
Alex Dombeck: P42s still the best for the Empire builder
Alex Dombeck: 8 in Ixonia.
Alex Dombeck: Chargers on the builder
Alex Dombeck: Snaking through Grand Ave
Alex Dombeck: NPCU leading out of Milwaukee
Alex Dombeck: Through the S curve at Grand Ave
Alex Dombeck: Amtrak 7 at Duplainville
Alex Dombeck: Hiawatha at south KK
Alex Dombeck: New look at Roundout
Alex Dombeck: Hiawatha at Bain Rd
Alex Dombeck: Amtrak 202 take two
Alex Dombeck: Cruising up the C&M
Alex Dombeck: 504 in Milwaukee
Alex Dombeck: Classic power
Alex Dombeck: P42s back on the builder
Alex Dombeck: Borealis in Reeseville
Alex Dombeck: Borealis over Menomonee
Alex Dombeck: Hiding from the rain
Alex Dombeck: Milwaukee departure
Alex Dombeck: Double Heritage Hiawatha
Alex Dombeck: Borealis at Grand
Alex Dombeck: high sun
Alex Dombeck: Birthday gift