pboyd405: Where did the signals go?
pboyd405: Top of the Hill
pboyd405: Allison Siding
pboyd405: You're welcome Andy
pboyd405: Nate shooting the 3001
pboyd405: Tied down on the main
pboyd405: Screaming up the grade
pboyd405: Kickin dust back to Freddie
pboyd405: Looking at 34th street
pboyd405: 3001 departing TR
pboyd405: Tree Down
pboyd405: The Milwaukee lives on near Fredrickson
pboyd405: Tacoma Hill
pboyd405: A Ghost of the Milwaukee
pboyd405: Waiting for clearance
pboyd405: An old Veteran returns to the action
pboyd405: headin back for seconds
pboyd405: Climbing the 3.8%
pboyd405: Cresting the grade at Fredrickson
pboyd405: Across S-Curve Trestle
pboyd405: Warming up the power
pboyd405: 101 in the yard
pboyd405: Smile you are on CCTV
pboyd405: Peeking under 43rd street