pboyd405: Lights East
pboyd405: Westbound into Baring
pboyd405: E. Winton pushers
pboyd405: Luggin GE's
pboyd405: Gloomy Loom
pboyd405: Mobbin Gold Bar
pboyd405: Over the Sky
pboyd405: Popping out of the Sticks
pboyd405: Summit
pboyd405: "you guys are crazy"
pboyd405: Blasting through Winton
pboyd405: Eagle Falls
pboyd405: Main Street Sunset
pboyd405: Waving Foamers
pboyd405: S-Curves at Grotto
pboyd405: East Baring Split
pboyd405: Amtrak enters the Cascade Tunnel
pboyd405: Monroe Flyby
pboyd405: Bring it on Home
pboyd405: Breaking through the Fog
pboyd405: Splitting West Gold Bar
pboyd405: Night Lights
pboyd405: Cascade Skyline
pboyd405: Descending through the night
pboyd405: West Scenic Approach
pboyd405: Slow roll meet at Baring
pboyd405: Holding the main at Gold Bar
pboyd405: Pushing over Deception
pboyd405: Mountain Rain
pboyd405: Over the Skykomish river at Money Creek