ellik111: Don't underestimate me just because I'm silent. I know more than I say, I think more than I say, and I notice more than you know.
ellik111: let's play?
ellik111: Sometimes it's very funny for me to watch people who think that I'm talking about them or at least thinking about them .... My applause ... Your fertile imagination!
ellik111: I'm not as kind as you think.I don't like hugging for no reason,my every word is sincere, my every gesture is meaningful,every little thing :Appreciate everything what I do,I don't do it for everyone
ellik111: Of the entire course of school mathematics, only one phrase came in handy in my life: "What was required to be proved" ...
ellik111: I'm not vindictive. I am mutual.
ellik111: Don't weave a new life out of an old web...
ellik111: A person must dream in order to see the meaning of life.
ellik111: Summer is a sea of sun, light and warmth... It's time for joy... It's the sun in the sky... And a bright sparkle in your eyes.
ellik111: The soul must not sleep. She must live. To live, she must... eat. Feed her... feelings! Only fresh and delicious!
ellik111: I will never have competitors! I can be either the only one, or not yours!
ellik111: How many interesting things you can hear if you keep silent more often.
ellik111: _ I learned one moment in my life... If they don't hear you, don't speak louder! _..
ellik111: Don't believe bad omens! Yellow flowers are usually given by those who have a divine sun in their souls!
ellik111: – Women can be beautiful, calm and happy. But only in the hands of the right man.
ellik111: I don't understand what's so special about Halloween? What is the whole horror - you can clearly see.
ellik111: I respect the opinions of people who speak to my eyes ... everything else is a rat squeak! ..There is something to tell me - come, let's talk! And you don’t need to squeak behind your back
ellik111: A woman with the smell of a dream, sips of love and portions of happiness is rebellious. With a touch of tenderness and the aroma of arrogance - and there is a real ..
ellik111: You don't have to underestimate me just because I'm silent.
ellik111: Help a hundred times - they will forget. Give it up once and you'll remember it for the rest of your life.
ellik111: I wish happiness to knock on your door on New Year's Eve! And God forbid that at this moment it was you who opened the door, and not your guests ...
ellik111: Two steps from the New Year Miracles and surprises await us. And no matter what the weather Be happy...here and now!
ellik111: If I step back, it doesn't mean that I'm a coward, I'm just accelerating!
ellik111: Where they don't hear you, you don't need to speak louder.
ellik111: I do not know, if the joker will write to the life of life, but I have to do not like: "And ηηεts is happy ???"
ellik111: Nothing can surprise us. We can only be stunned.! ..
ellik111: The most important person in your life is that person ... for whom the most important thing in life is you ...
ellik111: I have the character of a boomerang - what you give, you will rake.
ellik111: Melody
ellik111: As one wise man said: if a woman wants something, find it, give it and rejoice with her.