ellik111: Hearts of joy
ellik111: What do you allow yourself? - After six sometimes I don't eat, I allow everything else
ellik111: Joyful meeting
ellik111: My sexy trainer
ellik111: In your eyes
ellik111: Pleasant meeting after a hard day
ellik111: Some enjoy the rain, others just get wet.
ellik111: Our sweet moments
ellik111: Sudden attack
ellik111: Joyful beauty of our winter
ellik111: love
ellik111: Magic is shining and shining eyes... your eyes... in love and happy.
ellik111: And now ... I WANT to turn to THOSE whom I piss off ... - I'M TRYING THE BEST I CAN!!!
ellik111: There is smoke without fire. It's envious people smoking.
ellik111: A wise man always remembers his friends, but a fool only when he needs them.
ellik111: Every time before doing deliberate crap, I say to myself: "I am an adult self-sufficient woman ... I have the right to behave like a fool ... at least sometimes ..."
ellik111: Of the entire course of school mathematics, only one phrase came in handy in my life: "What was required to be proved" ...