Y.B.Art: Д'Артаньян :)
Y.B.Art: An old, but very cheerful and energetic girl
Y.B.Art: Morning meeting :)
Y.B.Art: Fast like the wind
Y.B.Art: Curious dog :)
Y.B.Art: Kindness
Y.B.Art: ***
Y.B.Art: "Who are you?" :)
Y.B.Art: Whiskas
Y.B.Art: Like an angel
Y.B.Art: Скромница :)
Y.B.Art: Hot day
Y.B.Art: Оранжевые ушки. Orange ears
Y.B.Art: What's going on?! I cant understand
Y.B.Art: Спрятался. Find a cat :)
Y.B.Art: Hello :)
Y.B.Art: Curiosity
Y.B.Art: Good time together
Y.B.Art: Sleeping tiger :)