jerome648: 3233_How I Make a Better Cup of Coffee Than Starbucks
jerome648: 3234_Three or Four Big Cardamon Seeds into the Coffee Grinder
jerome648: 3235_Two Heaping Tablespoons (or Scoops) of French Roast Arabica Coffee
jerome648: 3236_About Ten Twists of the Pepper Mill into the Grinder
jerome648: 3237_The Result Looking Something Like This
jerome648: 3238_Grind Away for at Least Thirty Seconds
jerome648: 3239_Pour the Grinds, etc. into a Filter
jerome648: 3240_The Resulting Concoction Looks Different from Your Usual 'Grinds'
jerome648: 3241_Add Twenty Ounces of Filtered Water-Two Cups-to the Back of Mr. Coffee Maker
jerome648: 3242_Adding the Water
jerome648: 3243_Add Very Hot Water to an Eighteen Ounce Cup
jerome648: 3243_Add Very Hot Water to an Eighteen Ounce Cup
jerome648: 3244_Put the Water-filled Cup in a Microwave
jerome648: 3245_Set the Microwave for Sixty Seconds
jerome648: 3246_When the Coffee Starts to Perk Start the Timer on the Microwave
jerome648: 3247_Empty the Hot Water into the Sink
jerome648: 3250_Pour the Coffee into the Hot Empty Cup
jerome648: 3253_You Now Have a Perfect Cup of Coffee