jerome648: 0847_Yardley Grist Mill
jerome648: 0848_Yardley Grist Mill
jerome648: 0849_Channel through the Thicket
jerome648: 0850_Channel
jerome648: 0852_Water over Stones
jerome648: 0854_Tow Path & Delaware Canal
jerome648: 0855_Tow Path & Delaware Canal
jerome648: 0856_Towpath & Delaware Canal at Yardley
jerome648: 0872_Heron in the Canal
jerome648: 0874_Heron along the Delaware Canal
jerome648: 0876_Bill at Christine's Restaurant
jerome648: 0877_Doreen at Christine's
jerome648: 0878_Jerry at Christine's
jerome648: 0881_Bill at Christine's
jerome648: 0882_Doreen at Christine's
jerome648: 0883_Doreen & Bill at Christine's
jerome648: 0883_Doreen & Bill at Christine's2
jerome648: 0884_Christine's Homemade Bread
jerome648: 0885_Shrimp & Lobster Alfredo with Spinach
jerome648: 0887_Chicken Marsala with Mashed Potatoes
jerome648: 0889_Bill at Charcoal Steaks & Things