mggbgg2013: Evening Glow
mggbgg2013: Chive
mggbgg2013: Dining complete. I'm off! Great White Egret.
Павел Ныриков: Чомга с птенцом
edouard53: _DSC0717 Great Blue Heron on Miller's Creek
michael.jh: Swallow " Hirundo rustica"
mayekarulhas: Tufted titmouse
mggbgg2013: Waxwing
searchlight557: Morning Sun
enneafive: From bygone times in vintage mode
(bbarsalo): Goglu des prés - Dolichonyx oryzivorus - Bobolink
trawson58: Twite
cheungdavid_05: Peurto Natales harbor DSC09579
cheungdavid_05: Cerro Balmaceda - Patagonia DSC09512
cheungdavid_05: Great-horned owlets DSC06605
RM Clark: What's So Funny?
RM Clark: Carolina Wren
RM Clark: Chipmunk
RM Clark: Immature Myrtle Warbler
Scotty7949e: Red Foxes out early this morning.
Scotty7949e: Cosmo Flower
Scotty7949e: Cope's Gray Treefrog on a Coneflower
Scotty7949e: Red Fox 2 of 2
txetxugonzalezberrio: nojjy, es un ruego
txetxugonzalezberrio: sunset Malaga
txetxugonzalezberrio: fruit ball, es mentira
Iván Caramelo: Mariposa cristal
~ Bob ~: The Prize
isteeves: University Botanic Gardens, Oxford, England