Brause S: Vanessa atalanta
Brause S: thistle
Brause S: garden
Brause S: raindrops
Brause S: raspberry
Brause S: Calliphoridae
Brause S: Funaria hygrometrica
Brause S: Tragopogon pratensis
Brause S: Tragopogon pratensis
Brause S: Syrphidae
Brause S: sage with guest
Brause S: bluebottle with honey bee
Brause S: Ctenophora festiva, female
Brause S: Harmonia axyridis
Brause S: screws
Brause S: palm frond
Brause S: Physalis, Andenbeere
Brause S: Echinops sphaerocephalus
Brause S: Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia
Brause S: Macroglossum stellatarum
Brause S: Apis mellifera
Brause S: Apis mellifera
Brause S: palm leaf
Brause S: blowball
Brause S: poppy