emmajane16.1775: Always carry a vial of the air of the moon for when you drown
emmajane16.1775: How lucky is the night to have such a faithful companion
emmajane16.1775: The driver's whistle is a pebble falling into the gray afternoon well.
emmajane16.1775: Dreaming together, putting together the beautiful things, playing together, smiling in a sweet and calm dream ... the first one to wake up has to make coffee ... we better keep dreaming that we drink coffee ...
emmajane16.1775: CAT'S DREAM
emmajane16.1775: The ways...
emmajane16.1775: I EXPLAIN A FEW THINGS
emmajane16.1775: The stranger
emmajane16.1775: Tribute a MOON
emmajane16.1775: Happy Halloween everyone
emmajane16.1775: My friend Moon and I
emmajane16.1775: Merry Christmas everyone ...
emmajane16.1775: Valentine's Day
emmajane16.1775: I would like
emmajane16.1775: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka
emmajane16.1775: Samantha Yates
emmajane16.1775: Sonnet LXXXVIII
emmajane16.1775: Ukraine in thought
emmajane16.1775: Under your bright shadow
emmajane16.1775: Saturday, July 16th, from 10.30 am till 12.30 pm SLT.
emmajane16.1775: Friendship is a river and a ring.
emmajane16.1775: #9 Dream
emmajane16.1775: Sonnet xcvii hundred sonnets of love (1959) night
emmajane16.1775: A cat on the beach
emmajane16.1775: The Sorceress and Her Red Cat
emmajane16.1775: A look to bring down the albatrosses
emmajane16.1775: Christmas 2022