markbajekphoto1: split in garden city
markbajekphoto1: MSP on 275 in canton
markbajekphoto1: MSp on nb 275 in canton
markbajekphoto1: accident on I ...
markbajekphoto1: accident on I 96
markbajekphoto1: gassing up in grand rapids
markbajekphoto1: gassing up in grand rapids on 28th
markbajekphoto1: looking w on 28th in grand rapids
markbajekphoto1: Holland twp FD
markbajekphoto1: FRED burger
markbajekphoto1: Fred burger , yes that's peanut butter
markbajekphoto1: holland tulips
markbajekphoto1: holland tulips
markbajekphoto1: dad finishing up a fred burger with some sunshine bursting in
markbajekphoto1: dad chomping on a fred burger
markbajekphoto1: dad eating what's left of a fred burger
markbajekphoto1: tulips in holland
markbajekphoto1: admiring the flowers in holland
markbajekphoto1: 8th street tulips in holland
markbajekphoto1: tulips on 8th
markbajekphoto1: tulips in holland park
markbajekphoto1: tulips in holland park
markbajekphoto1: tulips in holland park
markbajekphoto1: a whole lot of flying going on in grand rapids
markbajekphoto1: sundown from the sleep in on 29th in grand rapids
markbajekphoto1: sundown from sleep inn grandrapids
markbajekphoto1: flowering trees in grand rapids on 29th
markbajekphoto1: looking e from 29th street sleep inn
markbajekphoto1: moon over lexus
markbajekphoto1: moon at sleep inn on 29th