markbajekphoto1: trying to captue the moon over the golden arches (inkster mcdonalds on cherry hill)
markbajekphoto1: trying to captue the moon over the golden arches (inkster mcdonalds on cherry hill)
markbajekphoto1: trying to captue the moon over the golden arches (inkster mcdonalds on cherry hill)
markbajekphoto1: trying to captue the moon over the golden arches (inkster mcdonalds on cherry hill)
markbajekphoto1: trying to captue the moon over the golden arches (inkster mcdonalds on cherry hill)
markbajekphoto1: gassing up at 280/80 in toledo facing e
markbajekphoto1: small pizza bianca from rizzi's in copley ohio
markbajekphoto1: OMG that's one good pizza
markbajekphoto1: dad eating a pizza bianca at comfort inn akron w
markbajekphoto1: dad eating pizza bianca from Rizzi's in copley ohio at comfort inn akron w
markbajekphoto1: dad getting dressed at akron comfort inn
markbajekphoto1: looking n at comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: looking e from comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: looking e from comfort inn w akron
markbajekphoto1: sunrise from comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: looking e from comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: sunrise from comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: sunrise from comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: sunrise from comfort inn akron
markbajekphoto1: sunrise from comfort inn akron w
markbajekphoto1: sun on an outback near w akron comfort inn
markbajekphoto1: outback w akron
markbajekphoto1: driving past akron
markbajekphoto1: driving past akron
markbajekphoto1: driving past akron
markbajekphoto1: gassing up near greensburg PA
markbajekphoto1: dad near greensburg PA
markbajekphoto1: allegeny mountain tunnel
markbajekphoto1: driving through the allegeny mountain tunnel eb
markbajekphoto1: driving through the allegeny mountain tunnel eb