markbajekphoto1: 1451 on ford rd eb at wayne
markbajekphoto1: looking w down ford at wayne
markbajekphoto1: Porta potties and silos at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: picnic table, tree and trellis
markbajekphoto1: between the slats of a picnic table
markbajekphoto1: flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: facing e at green mead
markbajekphoto1: a few flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: a few flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: a few flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: a few flowers at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking nw towards the silo at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking nw towards the silo at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking nw towards the silo at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking nw towards the silo at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking nw towards the silo at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking w across the hedges at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: the old schoolhouse at greenmead
markbajekphoto1: looking ene at the greenmead church