markbajekphoto1: looking east across crater lk
markbajekphoto1: wizard island at crater lk
markbajekphoto1: information at crater lake visitor cnt
markbajekphoto1: information at crater lk visitor cntr
markbajekphoto1: info placque at visitor center at crater lake
markbajekphoto1: Wizard island in crater lake
markbajekphoto1: fire truck at crater lake
markbajekphoto1: fire trucks at crater lake fire
markbajekphoto1: fire trucks at crater lake fire
markbajekphoto1: Wildland fire surpression decal
markbajekphoto1: fire trucks at crater lake overlook
markbajekphoto1: fire truck at crater lake overlook
markbajekphoto1: crater lake from the nw
markbajekphoto1: Praying? no I'm getting ready to pitch a no hitter
markbajekphoto1: looking down at crater lake
markbajekphoto1: chipmunk at crater lake NP
markbajekphoto1: Chipmunk at crater lake
markbajekphoto1: Chipmunks and blue
markbajekphoto1: wizard island from nw overlook at crater lake
markbajekphoto1: looking s across west edge of crater lake
markbajekphoto1: fire at crater lake np
markbajekphoto1: wizard island from NW side of crater lake
markbajekphoto1: wizard island n side of crater lake
markbajekphoto1: fire in valley at crater lake NP
markbajekphoto1: fire at crater lake NP
markbajekphoto1: Fire tower at crater lake
markbajekphoto1: Fire? Where?
markbajekphoto1: fire at west side of crater lake NP
markbajekphoto1: looking s at west side of lake
markbajekphoto1: looking down over the drop at crater lake