markbajekphoto1: belle of the ball
markbajekphoto1: ?Wher'd all the geese come from?
markbajekphoto1: Rabbit Season!
markbajekphoto1: Look a plane!
markbajekphoto1: Hmmmm...why didn't I go to the mall?
markbajekphoto1: Get out of the way he's focusing on ME not you!
markbajekphoto1: Oh , I'm hidious!
markbajekphoto1: What? I've got what on my beak?
markbajekphoto1: Eye of the goose.
markbajekphoto1: This way or that?
markbajekphoto1: Ready, Set..........Davenport here we come!
markbajekphoto1: Moline foul
markbajekphoto1: The president? Where..I don't see him?
markbajekphoto1: Hey in the Back!
markbajekphoto1: front row focus
markbajekphoto1: ME?...what's wrong with the white guy up front?
markbajekphoto1: What poop?, You've got the wrong goose Mr.!
markbajekphoto1: Gee harold, you look great with that feather in your nostril
markbajekphoto1: Is she here yet?..I still preening
markbajekphoto1: face in the crowd
markbajekphoto1: psst, watch the one that looks like gorbichev...he's trouble for sure.
markbajekphoto1: Moline? Who's got the Map?
markbajekphoto1: Awstruck geese in moline IL
markbajekphoto1: geese at bass st moline
markbajekphoto1: Quick! Go! they smell bread!
markbajekphoto1: OK, who cut the cheeze?
markbajekphoto1: Are you taking pictures?
markbajekphoto1: geese in moline
markbajekphoto1: moline troublemakers
markbajekphoto1: I don't think you belong