mariajanesmiffy: Victoria Quays, Sheffield
mariajanesmiffy: Rust bucket
mariajanesmiffy: Sheffield and Tinsley canal artwork. The words are from Spence Broughton‘s Lament by Joseph Mather. Broughton was a local highwayman who was hung and gibbetted. Artwork by Affix.
mariajanesmiffy: P3210063
mariajanesmiffy: P3210045
mariajanesmiffy: Sheffield Tinsley canal artwork
mariajanesmiffy: P3210056
mariajanesmiffy: The Straddle, Victoria Quays
mariajanesmiffy: Me, looking at home next to the crow artwork and Joseph Mather‘s poem.
mariajanesmiffy: Deckchair nap
mariajanesmiffy: Say 'Cheese'
mariajanesmiffy: "It was just like this"
mariajanesmiffy: Professor Seltzam's Science Show
mariajanesmiffy: Pleased to meet you
mariajanesmiffy: All aboard. Street portrait #7
mariajanesmiffy: Frankenstein's monster
mariajanesmiffy: Lazy summer days