nvalvanis: Everybody's an authority
nvalvanis: Saturation, stars and stripes
nvalvanis: The only freedom worth fighting for is for what you think
nvalvanis: They'll teach you what they want you to think
nvalvanis: Why bother spending time reading up on things
nvalvanis: I've seen that look before shining from star to star
nvalvanis: You're the magician's assistant in their dreams
nvalvanis: You're a firecracker on a crowded street
nvalvanis: You look just like you did in 1986
nvalvanis: You and I, we might be strangers
nvalvanis: We are strange in our worlds
nvalvanis: This cowboy's running from himself
nvalvanis: The wheel breaks the butterfly
nvalvanis: I don't care to be bad
nvalvanis: I am an American aquarium drinker
nvalvanis: Beneath the sleeping town
nvalvanis: And the bullets catch in her teeth
nvalvanis: We only said goodbye with words
nvalvanis: I was shivering inside
nvalvanis: I'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeah
nvalvanis: I'm gonna serve it to you
nvalvanis: Taking their time right behind my back
nvalvanis: I was destined to die dreaming
nvalvanis: I gave my knuckles a run for their money
nvalvanis: I see someone but not somebody
nvalvanis: Knew there would be trouble with devil eyes and magic hands
nvalvanis: So good to be an ant that crawls atop a spinning rock
nvalvanis: First love, heartbreak, tough luck, big mistake, what else can you do
nvalvanis: Rows and rows of houses, with the windows painted blue
nvalvanis: Breathe out so I can breathe you in