wolfgang.kynast: The Heimatreporterchen on their journey to the new year
wolfgang.kynast: Squirrels 2024-XVa
wolfgang.kynast: Fall asleep while eating 😊
paul.porral: Blauet comu - Martin pescador comun - Common kingfisher - Martin-pêcheur d'Europe - Alcedo atthis
Markus Preiser: Haubentaucher mit Jungen // Great crested grebe with chicks
Markus Preiser: Zauneidechse // Sand lizard
Markus Preiser: Junger Waldkauz auf Baumstumpf // Young tawny owl
Markus Preiser: Eichhörnchen // Squirrel
Markus Preiser: Alpenstrandläufer // dunlin
Markus Preiser: Turmfalke im Flug // Kestrel in flight
davie ch: DSC_0529-Edit-Edit
claudialohmanns: der Milan hat alles im Blick
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): subadult Buzzard
Moni Bordt: Das Silvesterhörnchen
Verisimilitude7: RedTailGlide
- drsteve -: Playing with puppies
- drsteve -: Green on Green
- drsteve -: Eagles in the mist
- drsteve -: Munch, Munch, Munch
- drsteve -: Liquid metal fish terminator
- drsteve -: Biggest Fish in the Ocean
- drsteve -: Staring down a whale shark
BarryFackler: Heading for the water
georgehart64: Puffins
BarryFackler: Almost there
mikeculley591: 1F2A7442-Edit
BarryFackler: Gold-Spotted Nudibranch
Paul McGoveran: Ruby-throated Hummingbird 7839
ChicagoBob46: Keeping an eye on the gathering crowd