Simone Cella: Old woman
Simone Cella: Waiting for the storm
Simone Cella: The man
Simone Cella: Still waiting
Simone Cella: Smoker
Simone Cella: Wet flower
Simone Cella: Impending
Simone Cella: Flying over the canal
Simone Cella: Time passes
Simone Cella: A bright light in a dark place
Simone Cella: Natural flowing
Simone Cella: Flowing of time
Simone Cella: Erosion
Simone Cella: Standing
Simone Cella: Feeling of a cold place
Simone Cella: Open gates
Simone Cella: The canal
Simone Cella: The drip
Simone Cella: Moving
Simone Cella: Framed
Simone Cella: Flowing down
Simone Cella: Light in the old forest
Simone Cella: The crowd
Simone Cella: Straight fall
Simone Cella: dizziness
Simone Cella: Cradle
Simone Cella: Oppressive
Simone Cella: Against the flow
Simone Cella: The dentist chair
Simone Cella: Hanging on