AncientDigitalMaps: Cast of Diptych of Roma and Constantinople
AncientDigitalMaps: Museum of Roman Civilisation
AncientDigitalMaps: Scale Model of Ancient Rome
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Circus Maximus, Palatine, Forum Romanum and Flavian Amphitheatre
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Campus Martius
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Capitoline, Forum Romanum and Imperial Fora
AncientDigitalMaps: Scale Model of Ancient Rome
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Emporium
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Baths of Caracalla
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Baths of Caracalla
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Campus Martius
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of Tiber Island and Theatre of Marcellus
AncientDigitalMaps: Plan of Rome during the reign of Constantine
AncientDigitalMaps: Plan of Rome during the reign of Constantine
AncientDigitalMaps: Model of the Imperial Fora
AncientDigitalMaps: Model of the Imperial Fora
AncientDigitalMaps: Scale Model of Ancient Rome
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Emporium
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Campus Martius
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Forum Romanum and Palatine
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Imperial Fora
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Palatine
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of Ara Pacis and Solarium Augusti
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Mausoleum of Augustus
AncientDigitalMaps: Scale Model of Ancient Rome
AncientDigitalMaps: Scale Model of Ancient Rome
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Baths of Diocletian
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Castra Praetoria
AncientDigitalMaps: Detail of the Baths of Diocletian and the Castra Praetoria
AncientDigitalMaps: Model of the Nymphaeum from the Horti Liciniani