Roamer61: Lucy and her mate
Roamer61: Neanderthal Skeleton reproduction
Roamer61: Cro Magnon Man: 35,000 BC
Roamer61: Neanderthal Man: Actual Fossils
Roamer61: Butterfly Conservatory, American Museum of Natural History
Roamer61: Butterfly3
Roamer61: Butterfly2
Roamer61: Butterfly1
Roamer61: "Spiders Alive" Wolf Spider
Roamer61: Fishing Spider
Roamer61: Allosaurus Fragalis
Roamer61: Anatotitan copei
Roamer61: Alaskan Brown Bear
Roamer61: Mastigoproctus giganteus
Roamer61: Gaur, from South Asia
Roamer61: American Moose
Roamer61: Indian Rhinoceros
Roamer61: Chilian Rose Tarantula
Roamer61: Poison Dart Frogs, Museum of Natural History
Roamer61: Amazon Milk Frog
Roamer61: Smoky Jungle Frog
Roamer61: Thylacine, 1863
Roamer61: Aye Aye, 1863
Roamer61: Pterodactylus antiquus, AMNH
Roamer61: Megaloceras, the Great Irish Elk
Roamer61: Tyranosaurus Rex, AMNH
Roamer61: Protoceratops
Roamer61: Titanosaurus Femur
Roamer61: Northern Elephant Seal