Roamer61: 100_0293
Roamer61: Oceanside Nature Study Area
Roamer61: Snowy Egret
Roamer61: Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Roamer61: Assorted Birds
Roamer61: Great Egret
Roamer61: Stalking Great Egret
Roamer61: Flower Cluster
Roamer61: Thistledown
Roamer61: Another Great Egret
Roamer61: Preparing to Migrate
Roamer61: Macro
Roamer61: Monarchs
Roamer61: On one leg
Roamer61: Greater Egret
Roamer61: Osprey Family
Roamer61: Proud Papa Osprey
Roamer61: Looking for a handout
Roamer61: Pair of Egrets
Roamer61: Crying Osprey
Roamer61: Thistle
Roamer61: Red-Winged Blackbird, Male
Roamer61: Osprey
Roamer61: Another Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Roamer61: Virginia Rose
Roamer61: Bad Hair Day
Roamer61: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Roamer61: Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)
Roamer61: Snowy Egret
Roamer61: Stalking Great Egret