Roamer61: Statuary
Roamer61: Roman Statue
Roamer61: Roman Sarcophogus
Roamer61: Roman Wall Painting
Roamer61: Greek and Roman Wing at the Met
Roamer61: Greek Sculpture
Roamer61: Roman statue of child
Roamer61: Men and Horses in Armour
Roamer61: English Armour, 15th-16th Century
Roamer61: English Tournament Armour, 16th Century
Roamer61: Metropolitan Museum of Art: Carroll and Milton Petrie European Sculpture Court
Roamer61: Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut
Roamer61: Collosal Sphinx of Hatshepsut
Roamer61: Old Kingdom Relief
Roamer61: Hatshepsut
Roamer61: Painted Jar from Tutankhamun's Embalming Cache
Roamer61: Mummy Case
Roamer61: Close-up
Roamer61: Gudea of Lagash
Roamer61: Geometric Vase
Roamer61: Trio
Roamer61: Roman Era Mummy Cover
Roamer61: Girls at Piano
Roamer61: Olmec Baby
Roamer61: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Better known as Caligula
Roamer61: Hittite, Vessel terminating in the forepart of a stag. 13th Century BC
Roamer61: Freize from Palmyra, Syria, 2nd-3rd Century AD.
Roamer61: Jar with Bull Frieze, Iran, ca. 8th–7th century B.C.
Roamer61: Lions Head Vessel, Ancient Persia (Iran), 5th Century B.C.
Roamer61: Silver Ryhton from Persia, 5th Century B.C.