mlbeirnaert: Harlequin flower (Sparaxis tricolor)
mlbeirnaert: Cape Marguerite (Osteospermum ecklonis)
mlbeirnaert: Carpenter Bee on Polygala blooms
mlbeirnaert: Early morning...
mlbeirnaert: Very Popular Polygala Myrtifolia :)
mlbeirnaert: Flowering Photinia
mlbeirnaert: Nestled in a forest of leaves, Lily of the Valley
mlbeirnaert: Simple prettiness on the communal flower bed
mlbeirnaert: Colourful Alstroemeria Psittacina
mlbeirnaert: Muguet porte-bonheur pour le 1er Mai
mlbeirnaert: Minimalism
mlbeirnaert: Pretty wild Shamrock flowers, aka Oxalis
mlbeirnaert: Hoverfly resting on a Gazania flower
mlbeirnaert: Interconnected gear pieces :)
mlbeirnaert: Hello, sunshine !
mlbeirnaert: Scented purple Lilac
mlbeirnaert: And the little one says...
mlbeirnaert: Dandelion flower and very busy Bee :)
mlbeirnaert: Softness
mlbeirnaert: First red Rose of the season
mlbeirnaert: My Birthday Rose
mlbeirnaert: The Robin and the Rose, Explore 9.5.22
mlbeirnaert: A gift from a bird or the wind...
mlbeirnaert: Bee and Spring blooms
mlbeirnaert: The brightest of them all...
mlbeirnaert: The other side of beautiful...
mlbeirnaert: Bee and red Valerian
mlbeirnaert: The Yellow Rose of... Brittany :)
mlbeirnaert: Gladwyn Iris
mlbeirnaert: Pure white