bbelanger24: asflower
bbelanger24: bnwbackyard
bbelanger24: File_005
bzimmerman23: Goodbye sky
sthomason22: File_009-2
adestefano24: Week 8 - 1,2,3 Rule
ilevytieger24: 1-2-3 Rule
gbell23: colorSplash
cmeyer23: Week 6:1-2-3
bwang21: IMG_1163
ckrieg23: ChapelBW
ilevytieger24: B&W Moon 1, 2, 3 Rule
adestefano24: The Plaza
AlexColumbus: IMG_0286
Ari Joslin: B&W Buddha
lquerciagrossa24: A brush with destiny
jbonanno24: mustang b&w_
gbell23: 123 rule
cschmidbauer22: 123 rule
croe22: 123 rule.
cschmidbauer22: Luna In The Sun