samsonleePhoto: DSC09903_DxO
samsonleePhoto: DSC09905_DxO
samsonleePhoto: The 12 Chinese zodiac animals
samsonleePhoto: DSC09931_DxO
samsonleePhoto: An elegant Rabbit !!!
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samsonleePhoto: DSC09930_DxO
samsonleePhoto: DSC09946_DxO
samsonleePhoto: Going to the next level
samsonleePhoto: The back of the previous gate
samsonleePhoto: The main temple of the complex
samsonleePhoto: Devoted followers
samsonleePhoto: DSC09949_DxO
samsonleePhoto: DSC09952_DxO
samsonleePhoto: DSC09966_DxO
samsonleePhoto: Very misty (& toxic too) due to those burning incense sticks and the burners/furnaces
samsonleePhoto: Going to the other side
samsonleePhoto: DSC09973_DxO
samsonleePhoto: Those red Chinese words = Everybody is happy
samsonleePhoto: DSC09987_DxO
samsonleePhoto: The back of the structure
samsonleePhoto: DSC09908_DxO
samsonleePhoto: Good Wish Garden
samsonleePhoto: DSC09991_DxO
samsonleePhoto: The left
samsonleePhoto: The middle
samsonleePhoto: The right