samsonleePhoto: The main entrance
samsonleePhoto: DSC00176
samsonleePhoto: DSC00177
samsonleePhoto: DSC00186
samsonleePhoto: Mother and child
samsonleePhoto: DSC00195
samsonleePhoto: DSC00200
samsonleePhoto: DSC00219
samsonleePhoto: DSC00223
samsonleePhoto: Empty benches
samsonleePhoto: Memory of childhood ...
samsonleePhoto: DSC00227
samsonleePhoto: " Coming ... "
samsonleePhoto: DSC00244
samsonleePhoto: DSC00251
samsonleePhoto: DSC00254
samsonleePhoto: DSC00255
samsonleePhoto: Sleeping in a pram
samsonleePhoto: Where are your shoes ?
samsonleePhoto: The happiest childhood possibly
samsonleePhoto: DSC00301
samsonleePhoto: Relaxing without a face mask is really relaxing
samsonleePhoto: DSC00334
samsonleePhoto: Not a straight stem
samsonleePhoto: DSC00338
samsonleePhoto: DSC00342
samsonleePhoto: Do what u like in the park
samsonleePhoto: I like this tee so much. Let's pull and bear then. (bye !)