sbandel: P1000 at 3000mm can't fit entire moon in picture
sbandel: DSCN2351
sbandel: Crescent Moon
sbandel: Moon at Dawn
sbandel: Moon at dawn
sbandel: Moon at dawn
sbandel: Moon at dawn
sbandel: Total Lunar Eclipse may 15. 2022
sbandel: Eclipse through window screen
sbandel: Partial Lunar Eclipse 11/19/21
sbandel: Moon in Daylight
sbandel: flaring on the lens Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Moon 9/1 6am
sbandel: Moon 9/1 6am
sbandel: Cresent Moon 7/12/23
sbandel: MoonComparison
sbandel: The Moon and Jupiter Conjunction
sbandel: The moon in daylight
sbandel: Dwarf 2
sbandel: Moon and Spica (bottom right)
sbandel: Moon near Spica Reduced D-lighting
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: flaring on the lens Mars Moon Conjunction 12/7/2022
sbandel: DSCN3101