Tippetue: Blue and cloudy afternoon
Tippetue: The rose and the artist
Tippetue: The wood`s golden floor
Tippetue: The mystery wood
Tippetue: Unexpected
Tippetue: Girl with basket
Tippetue: Foggy cover over the water
Tippetue: Little girl loves to paint
Tippetue: The fairy sun
Tippetue: Lovely evening
Tippetue: I see her on the sky
Tippetue: Tippetue flower
Tippetue: The Viking Ships
Tippetue: Waiting for the spring
Tippetue: Still here
Tippetue: The Pink Tulips
Tippetue: Background to a painting
Tippetue: A beginning