Oxannia: Si es posible, se debe hacer reír hasta a los muertos
Oxannia: Looking for blogger manager
Oxannia: Keep fighting together
Oxannia: So do i
Oxannia: So close, no matter how far
Oxannia: Mac 2
Oxannia: When you find both love and friendship in the same person
Oxannia: “De temps en temps, il faut se reposer de ne rien faire.” Jean Cocteau
Oxannia: Oxannia
Oxannia: Our first summer
Oxannia: Summer means happy time and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, enjoying the scenery
Oxannia: Portrait
Oxannia: Selfie
Oxannia: That amazing feeling when you realize you don't care anymore
Oxannia: Dear Sun, is good to see you again
Oxannia: Platinum
Oxannia: Sunday
Oxannia: If I know smile? Of course i'm always smiling. By the way i'm smiling right now
Oxannia: Why not
Oxannia: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference
Oxannia: Lost eyes
Oxannia: Champagne addict
Oxannia: Enigmatic
Oxannia: Inner peace
Oxannia: Where words fail music speaks
Oxannia: Dimension
Oxannia: Feathery
Oxannia: Where are you
Oxannia: Dreamy
Oxannia: And now?