caefae: A purple bouquet (2)
caefae: Asnieres (2)
caefae: Cafe terrace at night (1)
caefae: Farmhouse in a wheat field (1)
caefae: Farmhouse in provence (2)
caefae: Fritillaries in a copper vase (2)
caefae: Irises (1)
caefae: Lilac bush (1)
caefae: Orchard in blossom (2)
caefae: Roses (2)
caefae: Self-portrait with felt hat (2)
caefae: Thatched cottaged in cordeville (2)
caefae: The church at auvers (2)
caefae: The cottage (1)
caefae: The hill of montmartre with stone quarry (2)
caefae: The old mill (1)
caefae: The pink peach tree (2)
caefae: The red vineyard (2)
caefae: Wheat field with cypresses (2)