kevin.nosferatu: Lane from Springvalley Gardens leading to the Wild West
kevin.nosferatu: Ed Newbey’s Grain, Horses, Livery
kevin.nosferatu: The Cantina…also the fire exit for Morningside Library
kevin.nosferatu: The Wild West Jail House
kevin.nosferatu: Faded blacksmith sign on one of the doors
kevin.nosferatu: Outside light on one of the façades
kevin.nosferatu: Faded sign for the Pueblo Pine Company
kevin.nosferatu: View down the Wild West to a block of flats
kevin.nosferatu: One of the Wild West buildings…looking rather derelict
kevin.nosferatu: A faded sign – Knock and Wait
kevin.nosferatu: Skulferatu #69
kevin.nosferatu: Skulferatu #69 in a gap in the wooden posts
kevin.nosferatu: Skulferatu #69 in a gap in the wooden posts
kevin.nosferatu: Google Map showing location of Skulferatu #69