liukkoneneemil: MUS 1921
liukkoneneemil: MV 10356
liukkoneneemil: The beam of light
liukkoneneemil: MUS 1952
liukkoneneemil: MUS 1955
liukkoneneemil: The glorious sun topples the rein of the night
liukkoneneemil: Bringing the heat in the winter
liukkoneneemil: Colorful is my beautiful hometown.
liukkoneneemil: Let the brothers pass through.
liukkoneneemil: Working in the snowfall
liukkoneneemil: Waiting under cloudy sky next to cousy town.
liukkoneneemil: Deep in the forrest
liukkoneneemil: Mighty train in a mighty environment
liukkoneneemil: Old and rusty, highlighted by the wonders of the sky
liukkoneneemil: Old on the rails, waiting for a new day
liukkoneneemil: Taking a cover from heavy rain
liukkoneneemil: Curving around the golden sun
liukkoneneemil: The view of speed
liukkoneneemil: Piercing the scene
liukkoneneemil: Entering into the darkness
liukkoneneemil: Puffing in the brightness
liukkoneneemil: Shine over the dust of the past
liukkoneneemil: Looking towards the Heavens
liukkoneneemil: Seeing the beutyfull outside world
liukkoneneemil: Return on the familiar path
liukkoneneemil: Full steam ahead
liukkoneneemil: Fighting its way to North
liukkoneneemil: Against the mother nature
liukkoneneemil: Old workhorse against the sunset
liukkoneneemil: Scene belonging to a different decade