Oliver C Wright: Huge marine iguana
Oliver C Wright: Manta ray night dive (one of the most exciting 40 seconds of my life!)
Oliver C Wright: The Malham Peregrine Falcon chicks
Oliver C Wright: There's a jumper in the house!
Oliver C Wright: Greenfinch bokeh
Oliver C Wright: Adder @ Allerthorpe Common March 2010
Oliver C Wright: Wild grass snake and adder in Yorkshire (25/9/2010)
Oliver C Wright: Hermine in the French Alps - I think he has seen me?
Oliver C Wright: kingfisher ninjas
Oliver C Wright: Who's that playing in the water?
Oliver C Wright: Guess what happens next?
Oliver C Wright: Two of the chicks
Oliver C Wright: 1st sighting of a Leopard...
Oliver C Wright: Close encounters of the foxy kind!
Oliver C Wright: The White Lady of the Namib Desert
Oliver C Wright: Farm bokeh
Oliver C Wright: If Denis Healey was a spider...
Oliver C Wright: Up close
Oliver C Wright: The Malham Peregrine Falcon mum!
Oliver C Wright: Eagle Ray in Hawaii
Oliver C Wright: Sleepy time
Oliver C Wright: Adder @ Allerthorpe Common March 2010
Oliver C Wright: If ever a picture summed up today!
Oliver C Wright: Enjoying the view?
Oliver C Wright: More seals than you can...