Szymon Wolak: Truppenübungsplatz Neuhammer
Szymon Wolak: Breslau 1916
Szymon Wolak: Reserve Infanterie Regiment 103, Ersatz Bataillon
Szymon Wolak: Fernsprech-Centrale Leerbeutel (Zalesie)
Szymon Wolak: Soldiers of the 6th Garrison Battalion of the VI Army Corps
Szymon Wolak: Soldiers and officers of the Festung Breslau topographic unit
Szymon Wolak: Soldiers of 4. Westfälisches Landwehr-Infanterie-Bataillon Breslau
Szymon Wolak: Veteran of 1866
Szymon Wolak: Veteran of the Grenadier-Regiment König Wilhelm I (2. Westpreußisches) Nr.7 with his wife
Szymon Wolak: 2. Ersatz-Bataillon Ldw.-Inf.-Rgt. Nr.19
Szymon Wolak: Ersatz Bataillon Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 102
Szymon Wolak: Soldiers of 2. Rekruten Depot Grenadier Regiment Nr. 11 at the building of the boys' school on Kletschkau Straße
Szymon Wolak: 2te Landsturm-Batterie VI AK
Szymon Wolak: Christmas in Festung Breslau
Szymon Wolak: Soldiers at the inn in Görlitz (Zgorzelisko) near Wrocław
Szymon Wolak: Military hospital in my hometown of Bunzlau (Bolesławiec)
Szymon Wolak: "Schuster Reparaturwerkstatt im Lamsdorf 1916"
Szymon Wolak: Landsturm-Infanterie-Bataillon Schweidnitz (VI.20)
Szymon Wolak: Bunzlau Bahnhofwache
Szymon Wolak: Breslauer Feuerwehrmann
Szymon Wolak: 2. Landsturm-Infanterie-Bataillon Schrimm (V.14)
Szymon Wolak: Saxon Landwehr
Szymon Wolak: Muskeiter Behrendsen
Szymon Wolak: Landsturmmann Otto Marz
Szymon Wolak: Fußartillerie-Regiment von Dieskau (Schlesisches) Nr.6
Szymon Wolak: 2. Schlesisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr.42
Szymon Wolak: Infanterie-Regiment König Ludwig III. von Bayern (2. Niederschlesisches) Nr. 47
Szymon Wolak: 3. Landwehr-Division
Szymon Wolak: Nachrichten Ersatz Abteilung 6
Szymon Wolak: An artillery(?) soldier and captain of a private shipping company in a souvenir photo with civilian friends. Photography taken by the "Elektra" photographic studio in the Wilhmshafen steamship port in Bartoszowice (Bartheln).